Founder of Formosa county beauty
Yi Lin is a graduate of National Taiwan Normal University. In her senior year of college, Yi sensed the untidiness found on Taiwan beachfronts from the items that were washed ashore. In the same year, she founded the "Formosa Beachfront Cleanup Crew", whose mission is to host clean up events along many of the Taiwan beaches. "Formosa Beachfront Cleanup Crew" has already held more than 10 clean up events around Taiwan, with involvement over 1,000 people. Yi hopes that this small action of hers will help create a larger movement to stop littering in the ocean.
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TEDxTaipei 2013 - 翻轉Fl!p : http://2013.tedxtaipei.com/
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Founder of Formosa county beauty
Yi Lin is a graduate of National Taiwan Normal University. In her senior year of college, Yi sensed the untidiness found on Taiwan beachfronts from the items that were washed ashore. In the same year, she founded the "Formosa Beachfront Cleanup Crew", whose mission is to host clean up events along many of the Taiwan beaches. "Formosa Beachfront Cleanup Crew" has already held more than 10 clean up events around Taiwan, with involvement over 1,000 people. Yi hopes that this small action of hers will help create a larger movement to stop littering in the ocean.
TEDxTaipei 官網:http://tedxtaipei.com/
TEDxTaiepi 官方臉書:https://www.facebook.com/TEDxTaipei
TEDxTaiepi Google+:http://goo.gl/UAIjDL
TEDxTaipei 2013 - 翻轉Fl!p : http://2013.tedxtaipei.com/
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2015-04-15 09:20:03
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