
姚尚德近年劇場單人作品涉及多元議題: 兒童性侵傷痛、戰爭中的身體物質性、都更下的歷史扭曲、並曾以赤裸軀殼直接挑戰觀看者集體的冷漠及被動性。
Sunteck Yao, corporeal mime artist, had his theatrical trainings in France.
He has presented back in Taiwan some solos in mime, of which the themes vary from one to another. Child sexual abuse, violence of wars, unbridled urban renewal, he also challenged with his nudity the collective passivity among the "spectators".
In 2011, with the aide of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Yao realized his Wanderer's Project by travelling to 22 towns and cities of China and doing his mime in streets. The trip allowed for a possibility to "play" with the environment and to feel and respond to people directly. In 2012, he extends the idea of the project back to his country and has, up to present, visited 25 "little corners of Taiwan" with his impromptu performances and workshops. Yao steps out, only to find a even larger and deeper connection with the land and people living on it.
TEDxTaipei :
TEDxTaipei 2012 - The Future is Now :
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Sunteck Yao, corporeal mime artist, had his theatrical trainings in France.
He has presented back in Taiwan some solos in mime, of which the themes vary from one to another. Child sexual abuse, violence of wars, unbridled urban renewal, he also challenged with his nudity the collective passivity among the "spectators".
In 2011, with the aide of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Yao realized his Wanderer's Project by travelling to 22 towns and cities of China and doing his mime in streets. The trip allowed for a possibility to "play" with the environment and to feel and respond to people directly. In 2012, he extends the idea of the project back to his country and has, up to present, visited 25 "little corners of Taiwan" with his impromptu performances and workshops. Yao steps out, only to find a even larger and deeper connection with the land and people living on it.
TEDxTaipei :
TEDxTaipei 2012 - The Future is Now :
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2015-04-15 09:15:50
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