- 2017-10-142017 Freshmen
- 2017-10-142017 Mid-Autumn Festival activities
- 2017-10-14Roots & Shoots Eco Studio
- 00:222017-10-14Happy Teacher's Day
- 03:102017-10-142017 Freshmen self introduction
- 2017-10-202017 Freshmen life photos
- 2017-10-202017 Freshmen classroom photos
- 2017-10-312017/10/27 kaohsiung samfar association
- 2017-11-022017/10/24 排球友誼賽 Friendly Game of Volleyball
- 2017-11-022017/10/18 國家永續發展獎(教育類)訪視 visiting
- 00:342017-11-032017/11/03 Practise Fun Game VIDEO1
- 00:222017-11-032017/11/03 Practise Fun Game VIDEO2
- 2017-11-132017/11/02 Woomile
- 2017-11-132017/11/10~11/11老七佳石板屋 Tjuvecekadan
- 2017-11-192017/1118-19 samba drums
- 2017-11-232017/11/23 cooking class
- 2017-12-272017/11/24 Field trip Ōu wāng community
- 2017-12-272017/11/30 Kabuasua community
- 2017-12-272017/12/05蚵仔寮Kezailiao field trip
- 2017-12-272017/12/08 &15 Shin Kong Community
- 2017-12-272017/12/14 ShouShan National Nature Park
- 2018-02-082017/11/20 Seminar_ Introduction to Tanzania
- 2018-03-052017/11/13 Seminar_ Introduction to Uganda
- 2018-03-052017/10/30 Seminar_ Introduction to Korea
- 2018-03-052017/11/06 Seminar_ Introduction to Italy
- 2018-03-052017/10/06 Seminar_ Introduction to Algeria
- 2018-03-052017/11/27 Seminar_ Introduction to Burundi
- 2018-03-28potluck with Datan residents
- 2018-04-08English Camp
- 2018-04-242018/04/28_嘉義氣象站
- 2019-01-0920181011_2018 freshmen new arrival
- 2019-01-0920181113_fun races practice
- 2019-01-0920181116_cjcu anniversary
- 2019-01-0920181207_welcome party for freshmen
- 2019-01-0920181203_2018 International Week
- 2019-01-09Environmental Ethic course
- 2019-01-09Seminars for Sustainable Development I
- 2019-08-19Cross-cultural communication
- 2019-08-19Sexual assault prevention education
- 2021-01-06109_1 welcome party
- 2021-01-06109_1 tea party dated Dec 30 2020
- 2021-01-06109_1 USR award Dec 30 2020
- 2021-01-06109_1 environmental education course
- 2021-01-1520210113 happy牛year
- 2021-01-1520200108 Internship achievement presentation
- 2021-01-15orientation for 2020 enrolled students
- 2021-01-15Forests of Taroko 20201223
- 2021-01-222021 Winter break English teaching assistant
- 2021-01-2220201203 UN's IDPD
- 2021-01-222020 Africa's day
- 2021-01-2220201129 Marin museum
- 2021-01-2220201107 IPSDSC trip in Baolai
- 2021-03-102017 valley ball game
- 2021-03-102017 fun game
- 2021-03-102017 fall_experience learning
- 2021-04-2620210422 earthday
- 2021-04-26某簽約儀式
- 2021-04-2620210421 sustainable landscape course
- 2021-04-26community experience
- 2021-04-26CWC Dr. Jane 87 birthday event
- 2021-04-26Geoscience field trip
- 2021-08-31「布」循環不可工作坊
- 2021-08-31109.10.23 與亞非司長交流
- 2021-08-31二仁溪水環境參訪
- 2021-08-31土窯
- 2021-08-31世界地球日
- 2021-08-31世界經期衛生日
- 2021-08-31世界環境日
- 2021-08-31台灣海龜生態調查
- 2021-08-31石安社區世代夏令營
- 2021-08-31亞太青年高峰會
- 2021-08-31根與芽社團 - ” Muggy Wednesday ” 友善咖啡帶著走活動
- 2021-08-31馬來西亞交流
- 2021-08-31國際移民節
- 2021-08-31愛鄉護水鐵馬溯源
- 2021-08-31蛻變重生的二仁溪-獨木舟體驗
- 2021-08-31端午包粽
- 2021-10-12外交部來訪
- 2021-10-12馬來西亞交流會前會
- 2021-10-12森里海藝術創作營
- 2021-10-122018校慶運動會
- 2021-10-122018朱文祥大使演講
- 2021-10-122018朱文祥大使演講